Let’s look at what is SIP and 7 reasons why you should start SIP online today. SIP – Systematic Investment Plan is a way of investing your hard earned money regularly like monthly or quarterly in mutual funds. 1. Start SIP with small amounts like Rs 500 / 1000 If you don’t have…
SIP (Systematic Investment Plan)
If you feel that you don’t have any money to start a SIP online, you seriously need to start saving. I know how it feels to work hard every day, but when you look at your savings account and don’t see any money in it, you definitely need to follow…
First thing you should do with your salary to set yourself free is start SIP online. Reward or pay yourself by giving a part of your salary (say 25% to 30%) by investing it for you rather than using it to pay your expenses or spending it. Make sure that your salary is working for you so you can be really free at the earliest. We
Should you start SIP now in mutual funds in volatile Markets? SIP is your best friend in volatile markets and should ideally be used by investors to create wealth over a long term. You should ideally Start SIP now in mutual funds for a tenure of 7 years or more…
Start SIP online – What is a Systematic Investment Plan? SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan, which enables you to invest a fixed amount in mutual funds every month (you can opt for quarterly or weekly). A SIP is a planned approach towards investments, and the investor learns a valuable…