Best mutual funds to invest for long term and what are the benefits of staying invested for the long term. Invest for long term, an advice routinely given by many mutual fund distributors and investment advisers. This is especially true in case of certain Mutual Funds such as equity and…
Invest in Best Liquid Funds or leave my money in a savings account is the big Question? What are liquid funds? Liquid funds are a category of debt mutual funds. These funds invest in debt securities which have maturity, up to 91 days. 6 Reasons to invest in the Best…
Mutual Funds Investment
Invest in Mutual funds online (Equity Funds) Vs Fixed Deposits
by EzeeHouse 15/06/2018To compare the two options – to invest in mutual funds online or fixed deposits is like comparing apples and oranges, but let’s see what an investor looks for in investment. Pro Invest in Mutual funds online (Equity funds) – Higher returns Equity mutual funds will easily outperform FDs, if…
Mutual Funds InvestmentUncategorized
3 Things women need to do for financial independence
by EzeeHouse 26/05/2018The question every woman needs to ask herself is whether she is really financially independent. What does being financially independent or freedom mean? Being financially independent means not having to say yes to things that are against your morals and ethics. It gives you the power to say “No” to…
What are Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs)? Fixed Maturity plans are close ended mutual funds which invest in fixed tenure bonds and other securities. Though the returns are not assured, they are predictable as the funds are invested in fixed interest securities maturing on a fixed maturity date. The returns can…